Thursday, July 11, 2013

The Home Stretch

My hangers are empty and bags are packed ready to fly home tomorrow.  It's bittersweet because I feel like there's more to learn and I've enjoyed my group so much. Yet, I can't wait to snuggle my babies! 

Complimentary chair massage? Why yes, please! Thank you Wingate hotel for feeding me breakfast and caring for my tired shoulders.  

Day 4 of 5 consisted of "getting our hands dirty" with the iPads and Audacity.  Before this course, I had never posted to Youtube. I guess it seemed a little scary. Now, I have successfully created an instructional videoe and an advice video which are both PUBLISHED on the Web.  I like that word 'published,' as I guess all doctoral students do.  :)  

The possibilities with today's technology are endless.  With the ease of uploading videos, I can see the flipped classroom having a great impact on student achievement.  I am looking forward to watching my new friend (and group member) implement the flipped classroom this year.  What are your thoughts or experiences with the flipped classroom??? Any tips?  

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Hard Work, Free App and Eeek…Dissertation!

Our beautiful group of hard working ladies!  I love them!  
We have many hours of work left on our project, but it really is beginning to come together.  Yesterday morning, I woke up (and didn’t sleep) worrying that we would never have enough time to complete a quality presentation, and then the first words I read for the day were from my Jesus Calling devotional: “Stop worrying long enough to hear My voice.”

It is amazing how everyday this app that is preplanned speaks directly to my heart. Then when you really think about it, our lives are preplanned.  God knows the plans He has for me and knows I need to be reminded to place my focus on Him, to take the time to acknowledge Him and His holy presence. Thank you, Jesus. 

Class Day 3 of 5:
Today, we watched a Monty Python clip from Youtube to learn about qualitative research…are you thinking what I was thinking???  How do you learn about qualitative research from watching a clip of four old men stretching the truth about the good ol’ days?  Well, my professor did it very nicely!  What a great example of making learning meaningful.  We then learned about the dissertation process…SCARY is the only word I know to use.  While I was extra excited to learn more about it, I know many daunting days are to come. 

FYI: Pic Collage is FREE!!!  I love this app and the Pro version is free right now! It’s a nice little update from the lite version, which actually works really well. Get it while it’s free! Here’s an example: 

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Kiddos, Google Drive and Access

Missing my sweet kiddos, but I am enjoying learning lots and lots of new information!  While I am away, my sweet husband is painting Allie’s and Garrison’s rooms.  I am a bit anxious to see his handy work complete. Can you guess the colors??? Pink and Orange! Eeek!  

"Picasso and Rembrandt" hard at work! Can you tell mommy's not home by the look of Allie's hair??? ;) 

Day 2 of 5 was packed with great information.  We learned about Google Drive and it is life changing
What an amazing way to collaborate with others in real time on multiple devices.  I am just learning about all of the features, so any tips would be great! We are using it to create our presentation, and I am impressed!  

Also, as a lover of Mail Merge (using Excel and Word), I was excited/hesitant to learn about Microsoft Access.  Really what could this technology do that Excel can’t?  Well, I am sold that the features are quite beneficial and hope to learn more about it soon.  However, thinking about it…one feature I really liked was for surveys and such and can I not just use the forms in Google Drive for that???  Hmmm…maybe I should take one technology at a time…  
Do you have any advice or favorite lesson ideas for Access or Google Drive???  Please share! 
Happy learning!!! 

Monday, July 8, 2013

The beginning and Endnote

Wow!  Day 1 of 5 is complete…where to begin???  Our group is going to be great!  The girls are all fun and hard workers! We shared laughs and some anxiety about our group project, but asthe Piaget said learning does not occur without a period of disequilibrium.  It is a necessary evil to experience that sense of confusion and not understanding.  It is not fun and definitely not easy, but in these moments, we grow…yes, we grow!  

So what did I learn…ENDNOTE!  This great referencing software was almost the straw that broke the camels back!  However, our group conquered Endnote and will successfully be sharing our references.  This capability will hopefully, put us on the same page to get our theoretical framework and presentation organized tomorrow.   THANK YOU Dr. Dunn for all of your help, even if the screen was too dim and the font too big. :) 
Key Notes:  
Always think outside the box and be brave.  Here’s to day two!

My roommate Michaelia, the Google Scholar Master! Your knowledge is powerful!